Friday, 15 December 2006

Retiro's crystal palace...

The Madrid crystal palace raises in the Retiro park in the center of Madrid, built in the 1887 for the islas Filipinas exposition. Inspirated, in the Paxton’s glass house in Chatsworth (1836), is now one of the ex-libris of the park, and Madrid… pity we have to wait till spring to see it open…


Reflex said...

Me ha gustado mucho el fuera de foco del fondo :)

photowannabe said...

It looks quite lovely. Springs a long way off. Nice picture.

Olivier said...

belle photo et bonne idee ce reflet. je te souhaite un bon weeck end

beautiful photograph and good idea this reflection. I wish you a good weeck end

Anonymous said...

this is a video in the Retiro and Crystal Palace where ludotek made actions as a study of an amplified body in space

Irredento Urbanita said...

Yo soy madrileño, soy recontra peruanazo jejeje. Megusa esta imagen Tr3nta.
Sutil reflejo de la calidez.


Jing said...

oh, godness, spanish here.
hee hee...each time when i saw the other kind of language which i cant understand i really want to learn it right now. english is not good yet.
the shot is wonderful, and we could already glimpse some view of it through your camera.
have a nice weekend.

shanghai daily photo

Jing said...

i like you give your blog this title: MAD~~

shanghai daily photo

Kris said...

a simple composition, but an impressive one, I love it!!

Jazzy said...

oh i like everything about this photo.
have a good weekend =)

Meg said...

Fantastic photo. Looks like a page from a magazine.

Oleanderman said...

This is an awesome shot too - nice one.