Saturday, 16 December 2006

Introducing PUER-atelier…

...¡I’m not alone any more!...
From today on (MAD) daily photo we have a new member; as all u guys know sometimes is hard to post every day, so I thought it would be interesting to have some more people aboard, with the ‘same’ passion for photography and for Madrid, enriching the Blog with different ways of seeing the city… hope u enjoy…


hpy said...

Hope you will show many photos and please comment them. It's nice to read about them too.

Kate said...

You might want to fix your link from the portal because when I click on it, it takes me back to your "old" or former blog. I have to go to my own blog and click on Madrid from there (and I don't always remember to do that).

Meg said...

Life is so much easier with a blog mate for sure. Welcome, Puer.

Ben Nakagawa said...

Ho Tr3nta, good move. It really off the pressure from your shoulder.
Please say hello to PUER-atelier.

Keropokman said...

Yeah, its difficult to post everyday. Your pictures have been great!